Sami and the Seven Wonders of Jordan

Here I am in Jordan, sitting in a bedouin camp with bedu boys around a camp fire, drinking sweet tea, talking a little arabic and feeling right at home! Its my last night in Petra after spending a few days in Jordan on my way back to Doha from the UK and yet another contract break. Its been a crazy few months and I needed a few days to clear my mind and get away - what better place than a bedouin camp with no wifi a few miles outside Petra. The camp is truly wonderful..... a few bedouin tents scattered among the rocks near Little Petra, lit by lanterns at night, until the generator shuts down at 11pm and the night sky lights up with a million stars. It is the perfect place and really does feel like a million miles from anywhere familiar, which is just what I needed. Ive been looked after by the wonderful Sami and the guys who are managing the camp in the absence of the owners, Jane and Atef who are in Sri Lanka on holiday. Sami was reassurance personifi...