Born free and equal

I don't often start my blog with a quote from British Prime Minister, David Cameron, but bear with me on this one. After the horrific attack on tourists on a Tunisian beach in June, David Cameron was quick to reassure the British public of his resolve to tackle terrorism…. "We can only defeat terrorism by promoting the British values of 'peace, democracy, tolerance and freedom". We've become all too familiar with the subject of terrorism at the top of news agendas on an almost daily basis; the dreadful Charlie Ebdo attack in Paris, the murder of soldier, Lee Rigby in Britain, the terrible recent events in Tunisia and the coverage of Islamic State activities in Iraq or elsewhere, not to mention the re-emergence of Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula as a threat. It appears to be a clear cut case of the good guys vs the bad guys… Or more eloquently put by Mr Cameron….. "They are cowards who murder defenceless people on a beach. They stand for oppre...