An English girl in Yemen

……so there I am, an English girl in Yemen. As the taxi drives us from the airport, I can see that every woman is dressed in the abaya and full veil….. I ask Yazid if I need to buy a veil. He reassures me it will be fine. There are areas where I will need to be careful but in busy places such as the mall and tourist spots, I should be OK. I'm pictured here wearing the abaya and hijab on one of our trips out. I would always wear the abaya in the car and then when Yazid and his friend felt it was safe, I could remove it and wear western clothes in certain areas. As we drive through the streets, I can see the neglect and the poverty. Rubbish piling up along the roads, buildings fading with only memories of the long forgotten good times, when Aden was a thriving tourist destination. When the beaches were packed with holiday makers from around the world, there for the guaranteed sunshine and warm waters of the Gulf of Aden. The driving...